
Edmodo Classroom Vs Edredo classroom

As Edmodo has shut down, all its loyal users are looking for better alternatives and no doubt Edredo is amongst the top players in this list. In this blog, I’ll share the top features that Edredo has to offer and what are the things to consider while choosing the next learning platform.

Edredo classroom helps you build skills and spread knowledge with live classes, a plenitude of courses, collaborative feeds, challenges, assignments, and many more.Β 

What similarities you can find while using Edredo


The features of both the classrooms on Edredo and Edmodo are quite similar. Both Edredo and Edmodo gave the same quality of learning through their Online Classroom Management technologies. However, the classroom experience may vary due to the newly added features by Edredo.

Social Community

Edredo lets the users create a Social Learning Circle by giving them the opportunity to post public articles, polls, and videos. This gives a voice to the students and teachers helping them create a community. Similar to the features of Edmodo

Quizzes and Assignments

Edredo, very much like Edmodo, gives its users the ability to conduct Quizzes and manage Assignments online. This feature helps the teacher to manage the class better and create a stronger and more profound curriculum for their students.

Mobile app

Both Edredo and Edmodo provide their Mobile Apps. A mobile app makes the use more feasible and economical. According to The Guardian, 90% of the students in High Schools own a Smartphone. 

What makes Edredo better than Edmodo

Being a new product, Edredo proudly holds a series of useful and productive features that the decade-old system Edmodo did not have. Listing beneath the features that make Edredo a better option than Edmodo.Β 

Live Classes

Online learning tends to be much more effective via live classes. At Edredo classroom admin can conduct live classes using different platforms. They can create Live classes via Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet, and Webex platforms. This is a new feature that Edmodo did not provide. 


Edredo allows its members to create playlists of their courses with functionality to structure them manually and a Youtube playlist which makes it better than Edmodo. Edredo allows you to upload recorded videos and create your playlist in your Classroom at the same time letting you link your YouTube playlists so you can utilize both platforms simultaneously to impart knowledge.


One of the features that make Edredo much better than Edmodo is its Challenges functionality.  A challenge consists of only a single question. The members can simply attempt the challenge and answer the question. These challenges break the monotony of lectures and make the classroom experience more interactive.


Users can create an organization and add their classrooms inside it. Thus, all the classrooms will belong to that organization and so will the classroom members. This will create ease of use and help the users to manage multiple classrooms. This will also help build a community.

Interactive videos

Interactive videos are videos that support user interaction. The user can click on the ongoing video for an action to occur. All the Edredo members can add interactive videos. Interactive videos can be either limited to a classroom (private) or it can be visible to all the Edredo members (public). This will enhance the learning process and make it more interactive.

Payment Enabled classrooms

Edredo provides a Payment feature in its classroom for teachers who feel the need to monetize their classroom. This gives the teacher an opportunity to market his/her classroom globally with a quick, easy and safe payment through RazorPay.

Integration Support

Edredo provides integration with Discord, Microsoft Teams, RazorPay, Slack, and Telegram. You can also edit or remove the app from the classroom at any time. These integrations can help classroom members can get updates on the classroom in the integrated app

Quiz Security Features

Under security options, Edredo has a lot to offer. Admin has the option to set the quiz in full screen through which tab or browser change is detected and the user will be penalized accordingly. You can also Randomize the questions in order, Create a unidirectional quiz and also disallow resuming to tighten the security of your quizzes.

Detailed quiz report

In Edredo the admin can view the detailed report of each and every student who has attempted the quiz. The reports include Summary graphs, section-wise analysis reports, topic-wise analysis reports, and question-and-answer details. The admin can even compare the current quiz result of a student to his previous quiz results.

Questions cloning in quizzes

There is a Question about Cloning technology that Edredo provides. It recreates an existing sum with different numbers for the ease of the teacher to conduct much better tests and quizzes.

Exclusive Edmodo features

Although there are a lot of similarities between the two websites, Edredo and Edmodo had their own individual Stand alone features. Edmodo had the following features that Edredo specifically did not find fit for the product.

Parent Account 

A Parent account keeps the parents in the loop of their child’s academic performance updates. It helps them monitor their progress and guide their children better. 

Archive Classroom

Edmodo had features that helped the Admin/ teacher to archive a particular class required. Edredo did not find a need for any such feature until now. 

Discover Section

Every learning management system gives its students one or the other features that help them kill the monotony of education and kick in a little fun, making it more and more interactive. The discover section is one such section at Edmodo that helps students explore games and other apps.

Manual Classroomβœ…βŒ
Online Classroomsβœ…βœ…
Mobile appβœ…βœ…
Interactive Videosβœ…βŒ
Color Scheme in ClassroomβŒβœ…
Challenging Triviaβœ…βŒ
Live Classesβœ…βŒ
Archive ClassesβŒβœ…
Payment Enabled Classroomβœ…βŒ
Integration Supportβœ…βŒ
Printable CalendarsβŒβœ…
Quiz Security Featuresβœ…βŒ
Detailed quiz reportβœ…βŒ
Parent accountβŒβœ…
Games and AppsβŒβœ…
Social Communitiesβœ…βœ…
Questions cloning in quizzesβœ…βŒ
Quizzes and Assignmentsβœ…βœ…
Youtube Playlist Uploadβœ…βŒ

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